There are very few things that cannot be bettered by the addition of a splash (or 10) of hot sauce. So, last week, we quickly whipped up a batch to alleviate our suffering without it. There are a million ways to make hot sauce. This is only one version, but we will surely test many more...especially since the bottle broke last night, and we are once again without hot sauce -- a total bummer.
When you are blending the hot sauce, be sure to use the lid. Just remove the center piece so that you can drop the peppers in while the blender is running. This makes is much easier to liquefy the peppers. It is best to let the flavors meld and mellow for a few days before using it.
1/4 pound (about 15) serrano peppers
1/4 cup vinegar
1 tablespoon salt
1. Wash the peppers and remove the stems.
2. In a blender, combine the salt and vinegar.
3. With the blender running on low speed, drop in the chiles, one at a time.
4. When all the peppers are in the blender, run it on high for at least 3 minutes. The final product should be homogenous and free of lumps.
5. Pour hot sauce into jar. Store in the refrigerator.
The top photo was taken at a market in Cuernavaca, Mexico while I attended classes at La Villa Bonita Cooking School. The bottom photo was taken at St. Louis, Missouri's Soulard Market. (Forgive the quality. I was unable to locate the digital copies, and I was forced to scan in the printed photos. I vow to be more organized in 2010!)

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