Tonight is a monumental night in the Boehm-Goodnick "unprocessed" house...we harvested our first non-herb crops! (Yes, folks, that's right, it's the little things.) Thanks to the Berkeley based urban mushroom farming venture BTTR (Back To The Roots), we grew pearl oyster mushrooms in our bedroom! (They require little light, and it is our shadiest spot. I promise you that we don't have some kind of sick mushroom fetish.) BTTR uses recycled coffee grounds from Peet's - claiming to divert 7000 pounds of grounds from landfills weekly -- instead using them as the "soil" for the fungus. 10 days with daily misting and voila, a hefty bunch of meaty shrooms.
We gave the fungi a quick toss with olive oil, salt and pepper and popped them in the oven for a few minutes. Then, we spooned them over a bed of mesclun lettuce harvested from the farm on the deck. All in all, a fabulously unprocessed meal.
Thanks for the blog post! We love reading our customers experiences with BTTR Ventures grow-at-home kits. The salad looks delicious, btw. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns, we'd be happy to address them.